There’s always the chance of it malfunctioning due to physical damage. Also, check the USB drive for any physical damage.Whether it’s dead or not can only be verified after executing the relevant fixes mentioned later in the article. In case it does not show up on the other computer, chances are either the drive is dead or has unallocated space. If it does, it would mean issues with the driver.

If the drive still doesn’t show up, plug it into another computer and check if it now shows up.Restart the computer and check if the drive shows up. Many a time, the USB drive may not be showing up due to a glitch or minor bug that could be fixed by a simple restart. Restarting the computer also works as an efficient fix in such cases.Try connecting the USB drive into another port on your system and check if it shows up. There’s also the possibility that the current USB port may be malfunctioning or dead.Now see if the drive shows up in Windows. Check if your drive has one and ensure that it’s turned on. Some USB drives have an external power button, which if disabled wouldn’t let the drive show up in Windows.Therefore, before you proceed to the other fixes, it’s time for some simple checks.

We often end up meddling with the software aspect when the problem lies with the hardware itself.

Now that you understand the underlying causes, let’s move to the fixes.