Fixed the sequence break that might occur due to watching Kuro’s Attack cutscene before starting a new game.Fixed the issue in which players get pushed through the ground by a stomper in Moon Grotto.Fixed instance in which the sequence after Kuro’s Nest wouldn’t play properly.Fixed the issue with players getting stuck under the lasers in Moon Grotto.Fixed pushing and pulling blocks not functioning properly in some rare cases.Fixed instance in which players are able to sequence skip the Glide ability and get stuck.Fixed the issue of people being stuck under the stompable wedge in Sunken Glades.Retroactively fixed the Light Vessel not appearing in Forlorn Ruins.Retroactively fixed the issue of the last door in Mount Horu not opening.Fixed the “Elite” Achievement not awarding in some cases.Fixed the game hangs caused by toggling fullscreen mode, usage of win key or Alt+Tab.Fixed instances in which people could save in bad locations or get into infinite death loops.Fixed rare scenarios in which Ori would randomly fall through colliders of the ground.

Toggling between fullscreen and windowed mode (Alt+Enter shortcut) should now be instant.Significantly reduced input lag when playing the game in full screen with VSync On.

The save slot backup feature will only work with new soul links and auto save points being made and is not retroactive.To use the new backup system simply press up while highlighting a save slot.A new save slot backup system, which allows accessing up to 5 previous save points per save slot.Listed below are full details on Ori and the Blind Forest’s Steam patch: Ori and the Blind Forest received a four out of five rating in Hardcore Gamer’s review, as we found that it’s one of those examples of a title finding the right balance between “stunning visuals and excellent gameplay.” Microsoft also has plans for the title to be released on Xbox 360 this year, but an official release date is yet to be confirmed. Ori and the Blind Forest was released last month on Xbox One and PC. Aside from the new backup save option being added, the latest update for Ori and the Blind Forest fixes a plethora of bugs and improves the overall stability of the title.